Saturday, March 7, 2009

The airwaves are heavy with reports of war and rumors of war. Much of the news to-day is pessimistic. This might be a good time to let my family know what some of my political views are. Perhaps this may not be interesting to my generation but I hope that, in time, it will be interesting to coming generations

As members of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints (Church) we have so many blessings that we begin to take some of them for granted. When I step into our Ward Chapel I feel that I am standing in a holy place. A place that is secure from the turmoil of the world. I hear the quite words, “Ye shall stand in holy places” and “If ye are prepared ye shall not fear”. I leave Sacrament meetings with a feeling of comfort and thanks giving.

I am grateful for the priesthood through which God passes to us the authority to act in his name. I am amazed that there are so many good people who do not seem to grasp the doctrine that God does not recognize the acts of men unless they have been authorized and executed his way.

The scriptures are clear about these days. In the beginning, before the world was, we approved the plan of happiness or the plan of salvation. We voted to be governed by the law(s) of free agency. Lucifer rebelled against this idea and succeeded in convincing one third of the hosts of heaven to follow him and now he continues to collect followers in this life.

I am grateful for the constitution and for the protection that it provides to the law of free agency.
Political winds tell us that every where there are persons, in and outside of our government and political action committees who are trying hard to kill, little by little, laws that represent free agency. I certainly will not accept such a government and I pray that there are enough of us to defeat such an attempt.

I realize that I have given you only a thumbnail look at the forces that have formed my political philosophy but I hope that it gives you some idea of how I will vote in coming elections.

Submitted By Ralph G Brown

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